
add bot !!

/afk: go afk

/avatar: gets a users avatar

/balance: check your balance

/economy-event: random economy event

/cat: get an image or a fact about cats

/chat: ask the bot a question

/dbtest: db test

/deposit: deposit your money in the bank safely!

/dog: get an image or a fact about dogs

/economy: create an economy account

/help: Display available slash commands

/image-generate: generate an image using AI

/impersonate: impersonate a user with a webhook

/impersonate2: impersonate a user with a webhook

/invites: gets a users invite count

/koala: get an image or a fact about koalas

/poll: create a poll

/remind: configure your reminders.

/remove-bg: remove the background from an image

/rob: Rob a user!

/say: send a message through the bot

/search: look something up on yt

/test: make sure the bot is working

/screenshot-website: get a screenshot of a website

/withdraw: withdraw your money from the bank!

/add-sticker: upload image as sticker

/addrole: give someone a role

/ban: bans a user

/bot-avatar: change the bots avatar

/copy: copy one or more emojis to this server

/embedcreator: Create a custtom embed for your server

/giveaway: Start a giveaway or configure already existing ones.

/join-to-create: configure your join to create voice channel.

/kick: kicks a user

/leave: manage leave msgs

/logs: Configure your logging system.

/massunban: unbans all users

/nickname: change a users nickname

/purge: purge a certain amount of messages

/react-role: make reaction roles

/removerole: remove a role from someone

/self-purge: purge ur last 100 msgs

/show: send the image of an emoji

/slowmode: Change the slowmode of a channel

/stick: creates a sticky message in the current channel

/tagall: ping every member seperately

/unban: unban a user

/unstick: Unsticks a current sticky message

/upload: upload an emoji by ID

/welcome: manage welcome msgs

/music: complete music system.

/ticket: set up or disable ticket system

/marry: marry someone

/divorce: divorce someone

/relationship: view someone's spouse

/banner: view someone's profile banner

/potion: brew a cute potion :3

/importfm: sync ur lastfm account via username

/fm: display current n previous spotify track

/whoknows: display all users that have listened to an artist

/top: display top artists, tracks, or albums